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Abrictosaurus (Greek for "waking lizard"); pronounced ah-BRICK-toe-SORE-us
Woodlands of southern Africa
Historical Period:
Early Jurassic (200 million years ago)
Size and Weight:
About 4 feet long and 100 pounds
Distinguishing Characteristics:
Small size; combination of beak and teeth
About Abrictosaurus:
As with many dinosaurs, Abrictosaurus is known from limited remains, the incomplete fossils of two individuals. This dinosaur's distinctive teeth mark it as a close relative ofHeterodontosaurus, and like many reptiles of the early Jurassic period, it was fairly small, adults reaching sizes of only 100 pounds or so--and it may have existed at the time of the ancient split between ornithischian and saurischian dinosaurs. Based on the presence of primitive tusks in one specimen of Abrictosaurus, it's believed this species may have beensexually dimorphic, with males differing from females.
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