Abrosaurus (Greek for "delicate lizard"); pronounced AB-roe-SORE-us
Woodlands of Asia
Historical Period:
Middle Jurassic (165-160 million years ago)
Size and Weight:
About 30 feet long and 5 tons
Distinguishing Characteristics:
Moderate size; short, boxy skull
About Abrosaurus:
Abrosaurus is one of those paleontological exceptions that prove the rule: most of thesauropods and titanosaurs of the Mesozoic Era fossilized without their skulls, which were easily detached from their bodies after death, but its preserved skull is all we know about this dinosaur. Abrosaurus was fairly small for a sauropod--"only" about 30 feet from head to tail and about five tons--but that can be explained by its middle Jurassic provenance, 10 or 15 million years before the truly gigantic sauropods of the late Jurassic period likeDiplodocus and Brachiosaurus. This herbivore seems to have been most closely related to the slightly later (and much better-known) North American sauropod Camarasaurus.
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